Mo-Th: 08:00-16:00, Fr: 08:00-14:00
Emil-Hoffmann-Straße 3, 50996 Cologne
In Germany and the USA
Magnet-Physik Dr. Steingroever GmbH and our North America division Magnet-Physics Inc. operate accredited calibration laboratories for magnetic quantities.
Ever improving quality is a requirement in all aspects of modern manufacturing and technology. The reliability and accuracy of test instruments play a critical role in quality assurance. High-quality calibration guarantees those characteristics and provides meaningful traceability over time. This is the significant contribution of calibrations to product quality.
Calibration is the determination of the relation between quantities, which are fixed by exact standards, and the given values of a measuring device. However, calibration does not mean to make adjustments to a measuring system – e. g. to align the displayed value to the standard value. Such a process is called alignment and is not part of the calibration.