Mo-Th: 08:00-16:00, Fr: 08:00-14:00
Emil-Hoffmann-Straße 3, 50996 Cologne

Magnetic Measurement – Characterization / Test of Magnetic Materials
The measurement of magnetic material parameters using hysteresisgraphs is of utmost importance for both material manufacturers and operators. Discover the hysteresisgraphs from MAGNET-PHYSIK in Cologne.
With the world-renowned PERMAGRAPH®, REMAGRAPH® and REMACOMP® series of measuring instruments, we therefore offer the complete spectrum for hard and soft magnetic materials. We are also glad to perform hysteresis measurement for you as a service.
The PERMAGRAPH® C is an automatic, computer-controlled precision version of the hysteresisgraph. Equipped with an EF 7 dual-channel fluxmeter and the powerful PERMA software package, it enables fast and reliable measurements.
As the world-renowned standard instrument for measuring the magnetic characteristics of permanent magnets in research, development, quality assurance and manufacturing, the PERMAGRAPH® C will fully meet your current and future requirements.
The REMAGRAPH® C is a fully automatic, computer controlled station to measure the (quasi-)static hysteresis curves (DC) of soft magnetic materials. The measurements can be carried out on bars, strips and rings.
Besides the classical instrument for bars, strips and rings, further configurations are available, for example instruments for measuring static hysteresis loops with an Epstein frame according to IEC 60404-2.
The REMACOMP® C family comprises automatic, computer controlled measuring systems to determine dynamic (AC) magnetic properties of soft magnetic materials.
The powerful models C-1200 and C-2200 are predestined for the measurement of electric steel sheets. Classic sample shapes like Epstein and single sheets are served by appropriate measuring fixtures. Also, comparative part inspections like the measurements of core losses at stators are possible.
The combinations of PERMAGRAPH®–REMAGRAPH® or REMAGRAPH®-REMACOMP® combine the measuring possibilities in one instrument. Since some components are only needed once for magnetic hysteresis, the combination is an inexpensive alternative to separate devices and at the same time offers many application possibilities.
You will find descriptions of possible combinations in the data sheets of the separate devices.
The MAGNET-PHYSIK Single Sheet Tester MJC 500 allows in connection with our computer controlled REMACOMP® C – 1200 loop tracer tests of electrical steel sheets according to the standard IEC 60404-3 and ASTM A804/A804M.
It consists of two identical laminated yoke halves that close the magnetic circuit above and below the sheet specimen to be measured. Opening and closing is done by an electric drive. Samples should be of the dimension of a maximum width of 500 mm and a minimum length of at least 500 mm.
It can be used to measure non-oriented and grain-oriented electrical steel. The main advantage of the MJC is the simpler specimen preparation than with the Epstein frame. On the other hand, the core construction is much more complex. Considerable efforts have been made to provide the user with a software that works seamlessly with this device.
We also offer smaller measuring jokes, which are mainly used in laboratories: Sophisticated designed test yoke to measure the dynamic magnetic properties of small electrical sheets.
Samples with dimensions 210mm x 210mm can be testes in two axis sequentially. The MJC 210 also allows to test strips of smaller width and 210mm length in one axis. You can well correlate the magnetic hysteresis measurement results with the established Epstein samples.
The winding adapters CB-L and CB-S, also called Stator Tester, allow the fast connection of stator lamination and large ring samples. The measuring principle is related to the measurement of a toroidal core. The tester cable is fed through the sample’s inner diameter.
The Stator Tester works with high current densities for duration of fast measurements. The tester is used with the powerful REMACOMP® model C-2200 that supports the full device safety and drives the current with two amplifiers in parallel operation. Additionally, REMACOMP® C-2200 supports the overtemperature warning and cooling fan features.
A typical measuring task is the determination of the core losses, peak polarization, amplitude permeability, remanence, coercive field strength etc. The measuring system allows a precise, powerful, and highly repeatable test of laminations. A smart opening mechanism allows fast sample mounting and easy sample loading.